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Chamaemelun nobile


  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Tension
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Insect Bites
  • Strained Eyes
  • Bronchial Relaxant
  • Mouth Inflammations


2-3 Heaped tsp Dried Flowers

1 Cup Boiling Water

Steep 10-20 minutes

Drink a cup at night for insomnia, anxiety, or stress. Also take for Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Use as a mouthwash for Inflammations.

For cuts, burns, scrapes, use a cold infusion and apply as a compress.


2 tsp Flower

Boiling water

Inhale for Bronchitis

Essencial Oil

Reduces time it takes burns to heal


Cautions: If symptoms of hay fever appears, discontinue use



Please do not consider the information provided as a medical advice.  If you have any health issues, pregnant or nursing, contact your healthcare provider before self-administering herbs.